O-2 Fractional Distillation Modified Procedure(1)



Rowan College of South Jersey, Sewell *

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Dec 6, 2023





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O-2 Fractional Distillation Modified Procedure For background and a more detailed explanation please review the experimental write-up in “Laboratory Exercises for Organic Chemistry I and II”, Spring 2018, R. Gangi and R. D. Rossi, pages 27-53, found in the content folder “Laboratory Notes”. Download a free copy of LoggerPro from eLearning under the content folder “Important Web Links” prior to analyzing the raw data for this experiment. Imagine you set up the fractional distillation as illustrated in the video. However instead of using a thermometer a Labquest temperature probe was used in conjunction with a Labquest data collection unit. Now you were given 5.0mL of an unknown mole percentage mixture of two esters, ethyl acetate and butyl acetate (lookup the structures and physical properties of these two materials). Assume you placed 4.0mL the mixture into the distillation pot and subjected it to fractional distillation. Heating the mixture slowly, distilling at a pace that allowed you to record a temperature reading for every 5.0 drops of distillate collected (see raw data file in this content folder), you successfully collected three fractions of 10.0 drops each at the end of the distillation. Analysis You now subjected each of the three cuts, along with a control sample each of ethyl acetate and butyl acetate, and the 1.0mL of the original unknown mole composition mixture of the esters to gas chromatographic analysis as illustrated in the video using the temperature profile shown in Table 1. Start temperature 55°C Hold time 1 min Ramp rate 10°C/min Final temperature 75°C Hold time 2 min Total length 5 min Pressure 6.0 kPa Sample Size 0.2μL The raw GC data you collected is given in this content folder. You then proceeded to analyze the chromatographs as described in the videos.